Manage Item Code Sequences for UFI’s
UFI’s are The Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) and consists of a 16-character code that are required on the SDS and label of products that contain a hazardous mixture.
The aim of the UFI is to establish an unambiguous link between the information you provide to the poison centre and with the product you place on the market.
It is possible to load a list of unused UFIs into Formpak and assign them to Formulations and Cross References. To do this a User must first obtain the list of UFIs in CSV format, which is easy to do via the ECHA UFI generator.
To add the UFI’s in to Formpak navigate to ‘Manage Item Code Sequences’, click Add, input a name for your Code Sequence. Select Item Classes/Users relevant to your requirements.
1, Select ‘For Item UFIs’
2, Select ‘External’
3, Click ‘Load New Codes’
Select the .csv file and enter the column number which contains the UFI Codes (usually column 2), Click OK.
The below screen will then appear to advise if the import has been successful.
It is now possible to add a New UFI to a Formulation or Cross Reference from Generate a Poison Centre Notification Dossier screen.
For generating a Composition Update Dossier (i.e. when the Composition has changed since the Initial Notification) there will already be a value for UFI. When New UFI is clicked the existing value is transferred to Previous UFI, and a New UFI appears in Current UFI.
A New UFI is not required when generating an Update Dossier.
It is also possible to add a New UFI via Modify a Formulation.
It is also possible to add a New UFI in Modify a Cross Reference via Manage Cross References and Add a New Cross Reference.
Pressing the New UFI button more than once transfers any existing value of UFI into the Previous UFI field/Property. This has no effect unless Generating a Composition Update Dossier.
For generating a Composition Update Dossier (i.e. when the Composition has changed since the Initial Notification) there will already be a value for UFI. When New UFI is clicked the existing value is transferred to Previous UFI, and a New UFI entered in Current UFI.
A New UFI is not required when generating an Update Dossier. If a New UFI is added in error, the Property UFI/Cross Reference UFI field will require manually changing back to its original value.
Updated Nov 2023