Transport Regulations

Formpak enables you to calculate transport Proper Shipping Names

And associated information for different modes of transport and include them in Safety Data Sheets and on product labels. You can also share transport data with your connected systems for shipping management.

Transport Hazards and Formpak

Transport hazards relate to physical, health and environmental hazards and are aligned with GHS. There are different modes of transport: road / rail, air and sea. Each mode has specific sensitivities and requirements which result in separate rules.

Transport regulations are complex and it is a requirement that the people engaged in transport of dangerous goods have appropriate training. Typically, a company will have a Dangerous Goods Advisor (DGA) who undertakes regular training to keep pace with changing requirements.

Formpak can help simplify management of transport rules by automatically calculating the most appropriate Proper Shipping Name (PSN), transport class and group based on the GHS hazards of your mixtures.

The allocation of Proper Shipping Names, including the assignment of appropriate technical names, applies the correct hierachy when there is more than one type of transport hazard present. The standard rules in Formpak can be adjusted and added to, so the most specific PSN is automatically allocated to your products.  

The transport information can also be printed on labels and used in documents such as Safety Data Sheets in over 30 languages.   

Staying up to date 

The hazards of formulations can change over time so they are automatically re-calculated to ensure they are always up to date, including changes to transport information. Important changes can trigger revisions to SDS for previous customers. This is all configurable and under your control.

When Formpak is linked with other software, for example an ERP system, important changes to business critical regulatory data can be automatically sent, so all your system are aligned and up to date.

Formpak, where compliance & creativity meet

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    We are based in Colworth Science Park:

    Formpak Software
    The Exchange Colworth Park
    MK44 1LZ