Add a New Batch Test Result and View Previous Versions of a Batch Test Result

Add a New Batch Test Result and View Previous Versions of a Batch Test Result

Add a New Batch Test Result

Test results for Items can be recorded and stored on existing Batches for quality assurance purposes for example.

Enter the Batch ID of the generated Batch. Start typing the Batch Number in the Batch Id field and Formpak will list the possible Batch Id options. Here you can select the relevant Batch. Alternatively select the magnifying glass and Search for a Batch window will appear.
Input and select the relevant Batch Test Class required to enter the results.
Select OK.

The results window will be displayed, and the Batch Test Results can be added to the relevant Properties, by clicking on the small blue box next to the Property.
Additional Properties can be entered if required.
Overall Status can be selected from the drop-down menu.

A Version number will be displayed and will increase every time a modification occurs to the Batch Test Result.
The Version Date indicated the date the last modification occurred.
Version Comments can be added to include a reason why Batch Test Results have been modified.
Select Save and the Test Results will be recorded against the relevant Batch.
You can Modify a Batch Test Result to Edit the results an existing Batch Test, and You can also View a Batch Test Result of an existing Batch.

View Previous Versions of a Batch Test Result

If a Batch Test Result has been changed for an existing Batch a previous version will be created and stored within the system to view.

Enter the Batch ID or start typing the Batch ID and Formpak will list the possible options. Here you can select the relevant Batch ID. Alternatively select the magnifying glass and Search for a Batch window will appear.
Input and select the relevant Batch Test Class required to enter the results.
Select the Version of the Batch Test Results you want to view.
Formpak will the display the Batch Test Results for the Version Number and Version Date you select.


Last updated April 2023
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