Add, View and Modify a Batch

Add, View and Modify a Batch

Add a New Batch

Input the Item Code(s) or use Add from Basket. Input the Production Date and the date the Batch is required by. Enter the amount of the batch required (kg)The TO will automatically include a default TO (Target Organisation) select the TO from the dropdown menu. Select the Item Batch Sequence (See Initial Set Up).
Select Generate Batches.

The created Batch will now appear, and further Batches for Items can be added.

Select Save Batches.

Modify a Batch

To Modify an existing Batch, enter the Batch ID of the generated Batch. Start typing the Batch Number in the Batch Id field and Formpak will list the possible Batch Id options. Here you can select the relevant Batch. Alternatively select the magnifying glass and Search for a Batch window will appear.

You can modify the Quantity, Production Date, Required Date and the TO. Select Save once all changes have been completed

Once the changes have been made select Save.

View a Batch

To view an existing Batch, enter the Batch ID of the generated Batch. Start typing the Batch Number in the Batch Id field and Formpak will list the possible Batch Id options. Here you can select the relevant Batch. Alternatively select the magnifying glass and Search for a Batch window will appear.

Once the Batch ID is entered you have the option to Edit and View Test Results.

View Batches for an Item

To view an existing Batch, enter the Item Code of the generated Batch. Start typing the Item Code within the Item field and Formpak will list the possible Item options. Here you can select the relevant Item. Alternatively select the magnifying glass and Search for Item window will appear.

Click on the Item to select and the Item will appear highlighted in blue.
Select View and the View a Batch window will open, here you can Edit and View Batch Results.
Select Modify and the Modify a Batch window will open. Select Save once all changes have been completed in this window.
Select Print and a Report box will appear, and the report format can be selected from the drop-down menu. Select Print and a report will be generated in the selected Format.
Select View Test Results a View Batch Test Result window will appear if the Item has a Test Result entered in Formpak. Here you can View Previous Versions of the Batch results and Edit.
You can also view existing Batches from within the Item (Formulation ? Raw Material) by selecting Other Menus and View Batches. The View Batches for an Item will appear and here you can Modify a Batch, Print, and View Test Results.



Last updated April 2023
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