Direct Printing from Formpak to local printers

Direct Printing from Formpak to local printers

This guide is to advise how to set up Direct Printing from Formpak to local printers.

This feature is available from version 40677.

Java JDK is required as a prerequisite, please click this link, and select JDK – 175 MB  Temurin 11.0.23+9  for Windows x64 as highlighted below to download:

Once the download has completed, double click OpenJDK11.0.23+9 to run.

Select the installation default options, Next, Next and install.

Click Yes to the User Account Control prompt:

Click Finish to complete the Java JDK installation:

Go to Print Document for an Item, enter an item, select a Document type and click Print, the following prompt will appear:

Click the link on the prompt above or the link below, it will direct to the Formpak Support Centre to download the Formpak Printing Client.

Click ‘Here’ on the screen below:

Click open when done to launch the .exe

Click Yes to the User Account Control prompt:

Click installation default options, Next, Install.

Click Close to finish the Formpak Printing Client installation:

On Formpak, go to Manage Application Settings and select Category = Printing

Select Local Printers only and click Save.

On Formpak, go to Print Document for an Item, enter an item, select a Document type and click Print. Click remember this decision and click Allow:

Select your local printer from the drop down list:

Click Yes.

Last updated Oct 2022
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