Documents & Reports

Adding a Dilution Script to Suppress Aspiration Hazard in Solid Dilutions (Candles)

Adding a Dilution Script to Suppress Aspiration Hazard in Solid Dilutions (Candles) An Item with state = Solid or Powder does not have Classification Aspiration Hazard 1 (AH 1) whatever Hydrocarbon content it may have. Solids can still have Hydrocarbon content (HC%) as when used in liquid mixtures, the contribution becomes valid. A solid end use Application, such as Candle or solid Air Freshener may have a significant contribution of HC% from the Fragrance part, however, when Printing a Document...
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Modify the Banding Range for Safety Data Sheets from Version 45205

Modify the Banding Range for Safety Data Sheets from Version 45205 This is a  new development which involves changing the Application Settings to manipulate the Property which calculates the Components listed in Section 3 of the SDS. Originally, there is one Entry List Property for each SDS; for example CLP SDS uses CLPSDSINGDETAILS for exact and Banded Documents. Now, the exact SDS continues to use CLPSDSINGDETAILS but the Banded uses CLPSDSINGDETAILSBANDED. In Manage Application Settings you...
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Ensuring that a Formulation’s Total Concentration is exactly 100 using Suitability on Properties TOTALCONC and TOTALCONC100

Properties TOTALCONC and TOTALCONC100 If you export Formulations to an ERP system, you may have a requirement to ensure that a Formulation’s Total Concentration is exactly 100 parts, thus ensuring that the concentration of each component is a percentage of the total. This may be achieved with a couple of non-standard Properties TOTALCONC and TOTALCONC100 along with a Suitability Constraint and/or an additional scope Validity Property. Property TOTALCONC reflects the Total Concentration of a Fo...
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Creating a Poison Centre Notification Dossier

Creating a Poison Centre Notification Dossier As you may be aware Article 45 Annex VIII of the CLP regulation includes a provision to submit Poison Centre Notifications and this applies only in the EU. EU companies that supply hazardous CLP goods must make a Notification and provide a UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) on Safety Data Sheets and labels. GB adopted CLP and accidentally included the regulation on mandatory Poison Centre Notifications, but this regulation is going to be reversed. GB co...
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California Proposition 65 Properties

California Proposition 65 Properties California Proposition 65 legislation requires companies to list certain substances contained within their products that are listed on the Proposition 65 Chemical List as causing potential harm. MC/Prop65 is set up as a Property and applied to relevant Raw Materials with a calculation to list components within Formulations. You should have this MC/PROP65 Property already available within your Formpak Software. Manually apply the Property to the CP65 Materials...
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Eye Damage/Irritation Hazard Category in GHS and CLP

Eye Damage/Irritation Hazard Category in GHS and CLP GHS Hazards UN GHS has two categories of Eye Damage/Irritation; Eye Damage 1 – typically, irreversible damage to the eye and Eye Irritation 2 – typically, reversible short-term damage UN GHS has two sub-categories of Eye Irritation 2, 2A and 2B. 2A takes longer for the eye to recover than 2B. CLP Hazards CLP, the EU version of GHS decided not to include Eye Irritation 2B. CLP includes Eye Irritation 2A. However, it isn’t called Eye Irrit...
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Invalid Components and Composition in CDT is Illegal Error Messages

Invalid Components and Composition in CDT is Illegal Error Messages The error messages may occur when a User attempts to Save and Check In an existing Formulation. Formpak will check the Item in the Composition of the Formulation to ensure only permitted Item Classes are used in the Composition. Also the error may occur if a User attempts to Modify an existing Composition of a Formulation and the User does not have the required Permission. If the User attempts to Save and Check In Components whi...
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Transaction Rollback Error Message

Transaction Rollback Error Message The most common reason for a ‘Transaction Rollback’ error is that a Property and or Property Group which is specified in a document has been removed or does not exist, as Formpak looks to these to see if there is a value to show on the document. If you have recently changed or removed any Property/Property Group and require assistance please contact   May 2024...
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Suitability Check Report Includes Item Sources Structure Report from Version 45140

Suitability Check Report Includes Item Sources Structure Report on Version 45140 You can now generate a Item Sources Structure Report when printing the Suitability Check. This Report enables Users to understand the relationship between Component Items in the Suitability Check Report and the Formulation being checked. To enable this function in the application navigate to ‘Manage Application Settings’. Select Suitability Checking from the Category drop down menu. Select Yes ‘Inc...
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How to make my SDS look like my supplier’s SDS

How to make my SDS look like my supplier’s SDS When adding a Complex Mixture, such as a Third-party Fragrance or Flavour Formulation, for which the full Composition is not known, it should be added as a Raw Material in Formpak. The information that can be entered will be based upon the supplier’s documentation. The more information available, the better your chances of replicating your supplier’s material properties but this is subject to pitfalls along the way. Few suppliers will give the...
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