Invalid Components and Composition in CDT is Illegal Error Messages

Invalid Components and Composition in CDT is Illegal Error Messages

Invalid Components and Composition in CDT is Illegal Error Messages

The error messages may occur when a User attempts to Save and Check In an existing Formulation. Formpak will check the Item in the Composition of the Formulation to ensure only permitted Item Classes are used in the Composition. Also the error may occur if a User attempts to Modify an existing Composition of a Formulation and the User does not have the required Permission.

If the User attempts to Save and Check In Components which are not in the permitted Item Classes in the Composition of a Formulation or the User does not have the relevant View Permission for the Item Class of the Component the system generates a error message which exposes the problem Components.

Additionally if a User attempts to perform a Suitability Check on the ‘Invalid’ Items or print a report in the CDT the system will generate an error message.

To rectify the issue the not permitted Components need to be removed. OR, potentially the Item Class Permissions need to be updated for the Items to include the Item Classes of the ‘Invalid‘ Components. Or the User Permissions on Raw Materials may need to be updated to include access to the Item Class.

Modify an Item Class.

Manage a Users Permissions on Raw Materials. Once the User Permissions have been updated the User will need to log out and log on for the Permissions to update.

May 2024 

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