Print for Dilution

Print for Dilution

Print for Dilution

In ‘Print a Document for an Item’ there is a boxed area ‘For Dilution’. This allows you to generate a version of a Label or Safety Data Sheet for a product diluted to a specified percentage. This ‘diluted’ document could be sent to e.g. a candle customer so they could see they effect of the fragrance dilution which relates to their product.

To use ‘For Dilution’

  1. Go to Print a Document for an Item
  2. Select your Item and Document Type
  3. Tick For Dilution box
  4. Enter an Application and Dosage
  5. If the entered application has an item associated with it this will be displayed in the Base Item field. Otherwise this will say None
  6. Press Preview to generate your document at the dilution entered. (It is only possible to ‘Preview’ the PDF as the dilution formulation is effectively temporarily created in order to do the maths. The preview is still a PDF, it just has no official version number on it.)

You can associate an application, e.g. candle or reed diffuser with a Base Item (e.g. an item which represents the formulation for a candle base or a raw material which represents reed diffuser base). Then, when you use ‘For Dilution’ the associated base item will be used as the diluent. This is particularly useful when the base should have an effect on the document because it contains components which have a regulatory significance.

To associate an item with an application:

  1. Go to Add a New Application
  2. Enter Code eg. “SOAP”
  3. Enter Name eg. “Skincare Soap Bar”
  4. Select Base Item eg. “Dipropylene glycol”
  5. Add in any extra information you want to reflect
  6. Click Save

You will now be able to select this application and use this item by default within ‘Print Documents for an Item’.


Last updated Sept 2018
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