Print Laboratory Formulations

Print Laboratory Formulations

Print Laboratory Formulations

Here you can add formulations and quantities to print in a format which is friendly for mixing in the laboratory. You can add individual formulations into a list, using smart search, or use ‘Add From Basket’. As each one is added the application also shows the ‘Components Count’ (how many ingredients are in the first level of the formulation), and the ‘Composition Total’ (how much the formulation adds up to based on the natural / as entered formulation). There is a column for Quantity which defaults to the Composition Total; this quantity can be altered to any quantity desired.

When your list is complete, press ‘Print to PDF’ to generate the formulations in a single PDF file ready for printing. You will be asked if you want to allocate a Laboratory Batch Number and if so, which sequence to use. For more information see Manage Laboratory Batches.

The pdf will print a separate page for each formulation selected.


Last updated Aug 2019
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