Adding REACH Registration Numbers

Adding REACH Registration Numbers

Adding REACH Registration Numbers

Many global regions have raw material registration requirements as a condition of trade within their region. REACH is a European Union regulation and addresses the production and use of chemical substances. A registration number is evidence of the registration and is expected to appear on Safety Data Sheets. Registration numbers can be added to raw materials in the following way.

Adding an EU REACH Registration Number.

  1. Navigate to the Modify a Raw Material.
  2. Click on the properties tab of the raw material and select CLP Hazards from the drop-down menu of property group.
  3. Click on to the Property Code Field and select Property Code REACHREGNumber or start typing REACHREGNumber and the property will appear for selection.
  4. Click Property Value and add the REACH Registration Number. This will be an 18-digit number assigned by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Click OK. Alternatively, if your supplier has provided a short REACH number input the number provided from the supplier SDS and follow the steps below.
  5. Select calculate now and this will calculate the property REACHRegNumberShort this will remove the last four digits so not to identify the product supplier. Click save.
  6. To check how the details appear on the CLP Safety Data Sheet. Navigate to Print a Document for Item. Input the Raw Material code and select CLP Safety Data Sheet or CLP Safety Data Sheet (Banded). Select print to PDF.
  7. The SDS is generated, and the short REACH registration number is now included in section 1.1 Product Identifier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why wont the REACH Number appear in section 1.1 on the SDS?
Check to make sure the REACH number has been added to a Raw Material not a Formulation. REACH numbers do not appear in section 1.1 on a SDS for a Formulation. Also check the Raw Material does not have the Treat as Formulation selected as Yes on the Composition Tab.

How can I find REACH Numbers on my system?
To locate REACH numbers on your Formpak system without manually checking each Raw Material use ‘Find Matching Items.’ Select Composition Type Raw Material and input REACHREGNumber, into the Property field and select ‘has value.’ Click Search and Formpak will generate a list of Raw Materials that contain the property and have a REACH number. The list can be generated into a report by clicking Print and a Customize Column box will appear. Select the Properties Tab and add REACHREGNumber, click Print and a report will be generated.

For more information about how to add other Global Regional REACH Registration Numbers please contact us.


Last updated July 2022
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