Print Item Property ReportThis feature allows you to print a report showing properties of an item or multiple items. This information is reported in a table format. Enter the first item in the ‘Item’ field. Use the ‘+’ button to include additional items. You can also add items from a basket using the ‘Add from Basket’ button in the top menu bar. Items can be removed from the list using the ‘-‘ button. You can specify the properties to be reported in the ‘Property’ field, using the ‘+’ to include additional properties. ![]() You can also add entire property groups using the ‘Select by Property Group’ button. ![]() Select the required Property Group and click OK. Properties can be removed from the list using the ‘-‘ button. Select your preferred format for the report in the ‘Format’ drop-down. Options are PDF, HTML, Excel or CSV. Once fields have been selected, click Print and the results open in a new window. ![]() On the success screen, clicking the link for ‘Print another Item Property Report’ will take you back to the ‘Print Item Property Report’ screen showing the previous options. ![]() This allows to make amendments to the original report, or, to start a new report click the ‘Reset’ button from the top menu bar.