Suitability Check Report Includes Item Sources Structure Report from Version 45140

Suitability Check Report Includes Item Sources Structure Report from Version 45140

Suitability Check Report Includes Item Sources Structure Report on Version 45140

You can now generate a Item Sources Structure Report when printing the Suitability Check. This Report enables Users to understand the relationship between Component Items in the Suitability Check Report and the Formulation being checked.

To enable this function in the application navigate to ‘Manage Application Settings’.

Select Suitability Checking from the Category drop down menu.

Select Yes ‘Include Item Sources Structure Report in Suitability Check Report’ and select Save.

Now navigate to to ‘Manage a Users Permissions on Operations’ or ‘Manage a Roles Permissions on Operations’ (If you want to add this Permission to a Role)

Select the Operations Permission “Print Item Sources Structure Report in Suitability Check Report” and select Save.


April 2024

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