Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation

Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation

Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation

This is a useful setting if you purchase a mixture (which you buy as a ‘Raw Material’) and sell it to others.

In order to use ‘Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation’ it must first be enabled in Manage Application Settings

To apply the Treat as Formulation option:

  1. Go to Modify a Raw Material
  2. Under Composition Tab, select Treat as Formulation = Yes
  3. Before the changes to the SDS will be implemented, it is required to recalculate the Properties, either using ‘Calculate Now‘ on the Properties tab, or ‘Calculate Properties for an Item‘ from the menu.
  4. Click Save
  5. CLP SDS Differences

    With ‘Treat as Formulation’ checked as Yes, the CLP SDS for a complex raw material includes the following special behaviours, which are in line with the expected behaviour for a Mixture / Formulation SDS:

    • A Product Identifier which includes hazardous components
    • No CAS number in the product identifier
    • No M Factor in Section 2
    • Substances with Workplace Exposure Limits
    • Substances that are PBT/vPvB
    • Includes EUH 208 sensitisers in Section 3, if relevant
    • UN Proper Shipping Name that contains components (where relevant)


Last updated Jan 2021
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