
Support Centre

GHS Poster
Using the GHS Poster The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) lays down a globally agreed method for classifying chemicals and mixtures based on their hazards.

Tip of the Month
Tip of the Month Here you can see the historic articles that are sent via email to users each month. They are available here as pdfs.

Formpak Newsletters
Please find links below to our Newsletter pdfs.

Technical Insights
Technical Insights Here you can see the historic articles that are sent via email to Formpak Users.

Navigating Around Formpak (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will introduce you to Formpak Software. Showing how to navigate around the home screen help pages, using menus and smart search.

Adding a Raw Material (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to add a Raw Material. Showing you required information and where additional details can be stored.

Adding a Formulation (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to enter a new Formulation. Showing how to set up a formulation and enter the components.
Producing Safety Data Sheets and Labels (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to produce SDS and Labels. Showing where to print documents from and what details are needed.
Find Matching Items (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to use Find Matching Items.
Adding Attachments (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to add Attachments. Showing you how to add file attachments to raw materials and formulations.
Adding an Item Code Sequence (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to add an Item Code Sequence.
Add a New Property (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to add a New Property.
Adding a New User (Quick Start Guide)
This quick start guide will show you how to add a new User. Showing all the criteria you need to add.