Manage Item Code Sequences

Manage Item Code Sequences Item Code Sequences can be used to assign codes to items automatically. Item Codes can be alphabetical, numeric or both. Items Code Sequences can be assigned to Users, Item Classes and combinations. This means e.g. A formulation developer can have unique codes assigned to their formulations automatically, or all formulations of a particular class have the same code structure, assigned automatically. On this page you can select an item code sequence to view or modify, o...
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Showing the UFI on the CLP Safety Data Sheet

Showing the UFI on the CLP Safety Data Sheet Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) can be shown on the CLP Safety Data Sheet and CLP Safety Data Sheet Banded. This will show in Section 1.1 and section 2.2 of the CLP Safety Data Sheet. Process to show UFI in Section 1.1 Go to Modify a Formulation, enter your formulation In Properties, add the Property UFI under Property Group CLP Hazards and add your UFI as the value Process to show UFI in Section 2.2 Go to Modify a Formulation, enter your formulation...
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Poison Centre Notifications (PCN)

Poison Centre Notifications PCN (Poison Centre Notification) is the procedure of notification used by companies to report information about hazardous mixtures classified for health or physical hazards. If you place hazardous mixtures on the EU market you will need to update your product labels and Safety Data Sheets to include a unique formula identifier (UFI) and also notify those hazardous mixtures to the appointed body in each member state (i.e. poison centres). The Formpak PCN Module can gen...
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