Projects & Tasks

View Sample Details

View Sample Details Sample details are generated by Sample Tasks within a Project. Click ‘View Sample Details’ in View a Raw Material or View a Formulation to see where samples have been submitted, when they were sent, the Task code and the Cost at date of submission.   Last updated Nov 2017...
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Task Types

Task Types A Task Type is used within Project Templates. Task Types provide the format for the tasks which need to be completed to answer the project. Each task can have its own requirements, be targeted at a specific user and have their own date. To add a new Task Type, navigate to Add a New Task Type In this example a Sample task is selected with the intention that the user is given a list of samples to be sent to a customer. The Task Type ‘Request’ options are the fields required...
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Search for Projects

Search for a Project For monitoring and managing your own and your teams work, ‘Search for Project’s and ‘Search for Tasks’ are very helpful. In this article we will look at Search for Projects You can select an existing search type, e.g. ‘My New Projects’, ‘All Overdue Projects’, etc, these have predefined fields. Or you can select a ‘Custom Search’ and enter your own criteria. When the results are displayed in the Results tab, you can...
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Search for Tasks

Search for Tasks For monitoring and managing your own and your teams work, ‘Search for Project’s and ‘Search for Tasks’ are very helpful. In this article we will look at Search for Tasks. You can select an existing search type, e.g. ‘My Ready Tasks’ or ‘Overdue Tasks’ etc, these have predefined fields. Or you can select a ‘Custom Search’ and enter your own criteria. When the results are displayed in the Results tab, you can select an in...
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Product Development Overview

Product Development Overview There are interconnecting processes on Formpak for Product Development including: Creating and modifying formulations and raw materials Projects and Tasks Classifying and retrieving items Tracking composition changes Global changes to compositions Permissions Creating and Modifying Formulations Use Add a New Formulation to add the code and name and then the composition itself. You can update the formulation, e.g. to add a Flashpoint, using Modify a Formulation. To up...
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Project Properties

Project Properties Project Properties reflect attributes of projects and tasks which you define. For example, you can add properties for Sales Price and Annual Sales Volume. Then you can include these properties in Project Templates and Task Types. Once you have defined your process navigate to Add a New Project Property to add the relevant properties. Add a Code – this must be unique Add a Name – the property name will appear in projects and tasks. Ideally it should describe the req...
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Projects Overview

Projects Overview Projects can be used to manage all kinds of work. In addition to traditional projects involving product developers, product evaluators and samples, other possibilities include projects for stability testing, marketing requirements, analytical and documentation requests. The flexibility required for diverse projects is achieved using Project Templates and Task Types. These are available in the Project Administration section and allow a User to design a project template and task...
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Projects Set Up

Projects Set Up Projects can be used to manage all kinds of work. In addition to traditional projects involving product developers, product evaluators and samples, other possibilities include projects for stability testing, marketing requirements, analytical and documentation requests. Please see our Using Projects to Manage Work & Send Samples to find out more about setting up projects with examples of project templates, task types, project properties and code sequences.   Last updated Apr...
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Marketing Presentations – Tips to copy project and item details for multiple customers

Marketing Presentations – Tips to copy project and item details for multiple customers Sometimes the same marketing presentation may be sent to multiple customers. You might want to retain the same Cross reference name and Code for all customers the presentation is sent to. Alternatively, you might only want to retain the name and generate new codes. Retaining Cross Reference code and name for different customers For the first customer Add a project in the usual way. Create cross reference...
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Generating Batches via Sample Task in Projects

Sample Tasks Batches of Items can be generated via Sample Task on a Project. Select Produce Samples within the Sample Task. Enter the details of the required samples such a Quantity and Weight and select apply to Selected. Select Generate Batches, and box will appear select the Item Batch Sequence required from the drop-down menu. Click OK The Batches will be generated, and a Batch ID will be displayed.   Last updated April 2023...
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